Yes Plast

Manufacturers of Industrial Packaging Products


Manufacturer of  a wide range of Plastic pails


Manufacturers of a wide range of spools/bobbins

Blow Molding Containers

Manufacturers of a wide range of Plastic Molded Jerry Cans

Pharmaceutical Containers

Manufacturers of a wide range of pharmaceutical containers

Manufacturing Relationships, Distributing Quality
Since 1993

Yes Plast, established in 1993 is one of the leading manufacturers of Plastic Industrial Packaging Products. We specialize in manufacturing of Pails for Paints, Inks, Chemicals, Lubricants and Adhesives. We are also involved in manufacturing of Spools for welding industries, Blow Molded Containers, Pilfer-Proof and Securi Pack for Pharmaceutical industry and other Pharmaceutical packaging products.


To commit ourselves to ensure customer satisfaction by providing excellent quality, cost effective and superior performing packaging solutions.

Our Values


We believe integrity is the hallmark of our business and we uphold the highest standards of integrity in all of our actions


Presenting new perspectives, rapid adaptation and delivery of new innovations to drive constant discovery of potential improvement


We constantly strive to achieve the highest possible standards in our day-to-day work and in the quality of the goods and services we provide.

Customer Focus

We recognize that our customers are the reason for our success in business, and we are committed to listen and respond positively to their needs.


Each of us is responsible for our words, our actions, and our results.

Reach Us

We are always available to serve you at our best

361/12, Ganesh Industrial Estate, Kachigam Road, Daman – 396210 (U.T) India

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